20 Latihan Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabanya - Hello guys, kali ini kita akan membahas tentang grammar. Teman-teman yang saya sayangi, Apa yang ada dibenak kalian ketika memabaca simple present tense? Tidak banyak orang yang menyukai grammar dan bahkan cenderung membencinya dengan yang satu ini. Lalu apa yang membuat anda tidak suka dengan yang satu ini? Cukup mudah bagi anda untuk memahaminya yaitu dengan cara latihan soal soal setiap harinya maka akan terlihat mudah dan menjadi gampang.
Masih ada yang ingat diantara kalian apa si itu simple present tense? Namanya juga simple pasti juga kalimatnya yang simple simple dong. dan apa itu simple present tentse? Simple Present Tense itu merupakan bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang terjadi saat ini (present) pada suatu spesifik waktu, karena tejadi pada waktu sekarang, maka pasti menggunakan kata kerja pertama (verb 1 ) dalam susunan kalimatnya.
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Untuk itu lebih lanjutnyaaa mari kita simak 20 Latihan Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabanya. Semoga dapat kalian pelajari dengan mudah semuanyaaa, cukup mudah kalian ingat bahwa simple present tense cukup menggunakan S+V1+O. Berikut Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dan Pembahasannya. Kalian ingat-ingat yaaa cukup simple banget..
20 Latihan Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabanya
CATATAN: Soal dibawah ini tinggal kalian hilangkan saja tanda yang didalam kurung seperti (+, -, atau ?). Jadi bisa kalian gunakan sebagai test atau bahan belajar kepada teman, murid, kirimkan ke guru sebagai tugas atau bahkan pacar kalian sendiri. semoga bermanfaat.
1. (+) They go to school every day.
(-) They don't go to school every day
(?) Do they go to school every day?
(-) They don't go to school every day
(?) Do they go to school every day?
2. (+) He drinks a cup of coffee
(-) He does not drink a cup of coffee
(?) Does he drink a cup of coffee?
(-) He does not drink a cup of coffee
(?) Does he drink a cup of coffee?
3. (+) We always have breakfast in the morning.
(-) We don't always have breakfast in the morning
(?) Do we always have breakfast in the morning?
(-) We don't always have breakfast in the morning
(?) Do we always have breakfast in the morning?
4. (+) She sings a song on the stage
(-) She does not sings a song on the stage
(?) Does she sings a song on the stage?
(-) She does not sings a song on the stage
(?) Does she sings a song on the stage?
5. (+) You often read a newspaper
(-) You don't often read a newspaper
(?) Do you often read a newspaper?
6. (+) She have a mango tree
(-) She does not have a mango tree
(?) Does she have a mango tree?
(-) You don't often read a newspaper
(?) Do you often read a newspaper?
6. (+) She have a mango tree
(-) She does not have a mango tree
(?) Does she have a mango tree?
7. (+) My mother buys me a new bicycle
(-) My mother does not buys me a new bicycle
(?) does my mother buys me a new bicycle?
(-) My mother does not buys me a new bicycle
(?) does my mother buys me a new bicycle?
8. (+) Your sister write a letter in her room
(-) Your sister does not write a letter in her room
(?) Does your sister write a letter in her room?
(-) Your sister does not write a letter in her room
(?) Does your sister write a letter in her room?
9. (+) The teacher explain the lesson to us
(-) The teacher does not explain the lesson to us
(?) Does the teacher explain the lesson to us?
(-) The teacher does not explain the lesson to us
(?) Does the teacher explain the lesson to us?
10. (+) Our friend play football in the yard.
(-) Our friend don't play football in the yard.
(?) do our friend play football in the yard.?
(-) Our friend don't play football in the yard.
(?) do our friend play football in the yard.?
11. (+) Jimmy knows someone from America
(-) Jimmy does not knows someone from America
(?) Does jimmy knows someone from America?
(-) Jimmy does not knows someone from America
(?) Does jimmy knows someone from America?
12. (+) She inviteS him to take walk
(-) She does not invite him to take walk
(?) Soes she invite him to take walk?
(-) She does not invite him to take walk
(?) Soes she invite him to take walk?
13. (+) My brother help you to do the homework.
(-) My brother does not help you to do the homework.
(?) Does my brother help you to do the homework.?
(-) My brother does not help you to do the homework.
(?) Does my brother help you to do the homework.?
14. (+) We bring many parcels
(-) We don't bring many parcels.
(?) Do we bring many parcels?
(-) We don't bring many parcels.
(?) Do we bring many parcels?
15. (+) His uncle drives a car carefully
(-) His uncle does not drives a car carefully
(?) Does his uncle drives a car carefully?
(-) His uncle does not drives a car carefully
(?) Does his uncle drives a car carefully?
16. (+) You buy tree houses
(-) You don't buys tree houses
(?) Do you buys tree houses?
(-) You don't buys tree houses
(?) Do you buys tree houses?
17. (+) Your aunt often passes in front of my boarding house
(-) Your aunt does not often passes in front of my boarding house
(?) Does your aunt often passes in front of my boarding house
18. (+) They believe me
(-) They don't believe me
(?) Do they believe me?
(-) They don't believe me
(?) Do they believe me?
19. (+) I eat chicken
(-) I don't eat chicken
(?) Do I eat chicken?
20. (+) Riko is really honest
(-) Riko does not really honest
(?) Does Riko really honest?
(-) Riko does not really honest
(?) Does Riko really honest?
20 Latihan Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabanya - Hello guys, Gimana nih tentang 20 Latihan Soal simple Present Tense Dan Jawabanya?. Semoga kalian mengerti dan dapat dipahami oleh kalian semuanyaaaa dan cukup simple bukan? Dan jangan lupa terus belajar yaaaaa dan temukan banyak hal yang menarik lainnya di www.katabijakbahasainggris.com sampai jumpa kembali Terimakasih...😊