Definisi dan Contoh Paragraph Cause and Effect dalam Bahasa Inggris - Hi guys buat kalian yang cari referensi tentang apa si paragraf cause and effect itu dan seperti apa si contohnya? kalian bisa yaa baca artikel dibawah ini.
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Definisi dari paragraf cause and effect adalah sejenis paragaf yang didalamnya itu terdapat sebuah analisa-analisa yang terdiri dari sebab dan akibat. Paragraf ini biasanya diawal itu dibahas terlebih dahulu sebab-sebabnya dan kemudian membuat kesimpulan yang berupa akibat dari penyebab-penyebab diawal paragraf tersebut.
Definisi dan Contoh Paragraph Cause and Effect dalam Bahasa Inggris
Struktur dalam penulisan paragraf cause and effect ini terdiri dari:
1. Mempunyai topik atau tema (topic)
2. Memiliki kalimat-kalimat pendukung yang berupa sebab-sebab (supporting)
3. Diakhiri dengan kesimpulan yang berupa akibat (conclusion)
Kali ini penulis akan kasih contoh paragraf Cause and Effect tentang pernikahan dini. Berikut ini contohnya:
Young Marriage
As we know that young marriage is coming in Indonesia. It is viral in Indonesia. The reason why the people want to do young marriage is because of he less of knowledge about the effect of young marriage. Beside that, economic problem also become the first reason why the people do young marriage. Then, lack of education from their parents also influence for children to do young marriage. Sometimes, young marriage also occur by the factors of parents. Their parents do not want the children do zinah with her beloved, so the parents do young marriage to protect his son from the sinful. But, it also can not be justified.
Furthermore, a factor in the media and internet also influence in this era. The children zaman now is very easy to access everything. So their parents must accompany his son when he access internet. Then, the biological factor. This factor appeared because of media and internet above, simply access the information, children know things are not supposed to they know at the age.
The other factors is about the society. Usually, in the village the parents marrying her son at age a dozen. This occurs because of education in the village was not too important. So, after graduating from the school they immediately married. And they considered deserve to get married.
Therefore, the effect of young marriage is unpreparedness mental to face the problems of household like trouble financial to the household, the child was sick or a little things in the household often be great because both of them have not been able to control their emotions. The other effect is about the material. If the material is not good enough that will eventually upon the parents to help the cost of living in the household, and may also be the cause of the conflict in a young couple. In the other hand, divorce also often happened in the young marriage. Getting married is a about two individuals in a commitment to live together, so before decided to marry both of them need to have the same understand the purpose of married and already preparing to good mentally and material.
Definisi dan Contoh Paragraph Cause and Effect dalam Bahasa Inggris - Gimana Guys Sudah Mengerti? Itu lah pembahasan tentang contoh cause and effect paragraph, beserta contonya semoga bermanfaat ya. semoga bermanfaat dan Jangan lupa kunjungi website kami untuk mendapatkan pembahasan tentang bahasa inggris lainnya. Terima Kasih..