Katabijakbahasainggris.com - Apakah kalian sudah memahami materi bahasa Inggris kelas XI di sekolahmu? Kalau belum, berikut ini ada contoh soal yang bisa kalian jadikan latihan sebelum ujian.
Sebagai bentuk latihan dalam mengerjakan ujian bahasa Inggris, kalian sebagai siswa perlu sering refernsi soal-soal yang memuat bacaan lengkap. Sebab, soal-soal dalam pelajaran bahasa membutuhkan banyak kemampuan memahami literasi dan artinya.
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Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 Lengkap dengan Jawaban |
Nah, guna mempersiapkan penilaian tengah semester (PTS) dan juga Ujian akhir semester (UAS), berikut ini beberapa contoh soal yang bisa kalian kerjakan. Ini adalah kumpulan Soal untuk Kelas XII SMA/MA Program IPA/IPS.
Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2
Teks berikut ini digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 1 sampai 5!
Running is the most basic of sports that involves the lower limbs and movement in a reasonably straight line. Because of the high knee lift in sprinting, the injury patterns in sprinting are different from those in long distance running.
Many distance runners complain of low back pain because of the stiff upright styles used in the long distance running. This can be eased with number extension exercises and hip flexion. Runner's knee is particularly common in the slower distance runner who may benefit from increasing his or her speed and exercising the inner quadriceps muscles better.
Shin splits and lower limb stress fractures may be associated with poor biomechanics. It can often be corrected by a change in shoes or the insertion of orthotics. Variations on these may help ease many of the causes of foot pain that are found in distance runners.
In sprinting, the runner must come out of the start block. In doing thus, he or she must rotate the legs and use adductor strength. This frequently leads to adductor pulls although ut is in full flight that hamstring and quadriceps tears usually occur, especially if there is a tight bend.
A flexibility routine built into a training schedule may help prevent many of these injuries and competition should not be allowed until the sprinter is fluent in his or her stride and pain-free.
1. Which of these statements has a similar meaning to this sentence?
"Because of the high knee lift in sprinting, the injury patterns in sprinting are different to those found in long distance running."
A. Different types of running have different types of injuries.
B. The injuries found in sprinting are caused by the high knee lift.
C. Injuries found in long distance running can also be found in sprinting due to the high knee lift in sprinting.
D. Injuries are found in many sports.
E. Sprinting injuries are different to long distance injuries because in sprinting tha athlete must lift his or her knees high.
Answer: E
2. What involves in running?
A. The lower limbs and the movement in a reasonably straight line
B. The stiff upright styles
C. The rotation of the legs and the use of adductor strength
D. The high knee lift
E. The injuries found in sprinting are caused by the high knee lift.
Answer: A
3. What can correct poor foot biomechanics?
A. A flexibility routine in a training schedule.
B. Exercising the inner quadriceps muscles.
C. A change in shoes or the insertion of orthotics.
D. Lumbar extension exercises and hip flexion.
E. Sprinting and long distance running.
Answer: C
4. Based on the text above, one way to prevent injuries in sprinting is ...
A. Increasing speed while running
B. The stiff upright styles
C. Exercising the inner quadriceps muscles
D. A change in shoes or the insertion of orthotics
E. A flexibility routine in a training schedule
Answer: E
5. What is this passage about?
A. How to deal with injuries in running
B. Sprinting and long distance running
C. Injuries by sprinting and long distance running
D. Athletes should use appropriate shoes in running to avoid injuries
E. The injuries found in sprinting are caused by high knee lift.
Answer: A
6. Nurul: The Beach is very dirty. People shouldn't have thrown trash into the sea.
Jean: That's exactly like what I think.
From the dialogue above, we know that
A. Jean disagrees with Nurul's opinion.
B. Nurul thinks exactly the same way.
C. Waste material has not been collected.
D. People polluted the sea with trash.
E. Nurul warned people not to throw rubbish.
Answer: D
7. Claire: Do you think that this monetary crisis will soon end?
Leon: .___ this condition won't be back normal within two or three years.
A. I am fed up with the news.
B. I am sorry to hear that.
C. It is not my business.
D. It would be agreeable.
E. It is very unlikely.
Answer: D
8. Boss: Johnny, ___ take this note to the marketing department?
Johnny: Yes, certainly.
Fill the blank with the good answer please!
A. Is it possible for you to
B. Could you please
C. May I tell you to
D. Should I ask you
E. Can you ask I
Answer: B
9. Policeman: Your car causes too much air pollution.
Jim: Oh, ___ Officer.
Policeman: Please, consult a mechanic about it.
Jim: Yes, I will.
Fill the blank with the good answer please!
A. Why not
B. I'm sorry
C. How come
D. Congratulation
E. Don't mention it.
Answer: B
10. Diana: It's free time. ._____ a cup of coffee?
Sherly: That would be very nice of you.
A. Shall I have
B. May you get me
C. May I offer help to get
D. Could you help me to get
E. Would you like me to get you
Answer: E
Katabijakbahasainggris.com - Itulah tadi, kumpulan contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas 11 semester 2 lengkap dengan jawaban. Semoga bermanfaat.