Procedure Text dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Contoh, Tujuan, dan Generic Structure-nya
Salah satu contoh dari procedure text adalah bagaimana cara menggunakan Zoom atau google meet untuk menjadi kelas online.
Procedure text is a piece of written or spoken text which has the social function to inform the readers or the listeners how to make or to do something. It can be in the form of a set of instructions, directions or a manual.
Teks prosedur adalah suatu teks tertulis atau lisan yang mempunyai fungsi sosial untuk memberitahukan kepada pembaca atau pendengar bagaimana membuat atau melakukan sesuatu. Itu bisa dalam bentuk seperangkat instruksi, petunjuk atau manual.
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Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris Lengkap beserta Contoh, Tujuan, dan Generic Structure-nya |
Pengertian Procedure text
Tujuan procedure text itu apa? What is the purpose of procedure text itself?
Teks ini digunakan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dibuat, dilakukan, atau digunakan dengan langkah-langkah yang jelas dan berurutan.
(The purpose of procedure text is to show how something is made, used, or done through a sequence of steps).
Language Features/Ciri-ciri Kebahasaan Procedure text
Untuk mengenali procedure text kita perlu mengetahui ciri-cirinya, seperti halnya jika kita bertemu seseorang pertama kali. Berikut beberapa ciri kebahasaan dari procedure text tersebut:
- Menggunakan simple present tense.
- Menggunakan kalimat perintah (imperative sentence). Contoh kalimat dalam procedure text adalah add 5 onions, get some yeast and pan. Yang paling penting nih sobat, kalimat perintah harus diawali dengan kata kerja (verb). Contohnya mix, stir, boil, add, turn on, get, dan lain sebagainya.
- Menggunakan kata penghubung/connectives. Contohnya: first, second, after that, then, finally, last, dan sebagainya.
- Menggunakan kata keterangan (adverb) untuk menjelaskan waktu. Contohnya adalah in 5 minutes, for an hour, dan seterusnya. Selain itu, kita juga bisa menggunakan keterangan cara (adverb of manner). Contohnya: slowly, fastly, rapidly, powerfully, etc.
Generic structures/Struktur Procedure text
Generic structure suatu procedural text terdiri dari aim/goal, ingredients/materials, serta steps/methods.
1. Aim/Goal
Nah, di bagian yang pertama dalam menulis text procedure adalah aim/goal yang berarti tujuan. Biasanya, tujuan ini terletak pada judul yang menunjukkan tujuan dibuatnya teks tersebut.
Contoh: How to Make Instant Noodle
2. Ingredients/Materials and Tools
Di bagian yang kedua, Sobat Pintar diharuskan untuk menulis ingredients/material. Penulisan ingredients/material ini berguna untuk menjelaskan apa saja bahan-bahan. Dan tools digunakan untuk membuat sesuatu dalam procedure text tersebut.
Ingredients: Noodle, Sauce, Chili, hot water
Tools: Plate, knife, spoon
3. Steps/Methods
Sampai juga kita di bagian akhir, yaitu penulisan steps/methods (langkah/metode). Bagian ini berisi tentang langkah-langkah atau tutorial apa saja yang dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan dari procedure text.
Contoh: First, open the instant noodle.
Procedure Text dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap beserta Contoh, Tujuan, dan Generic Structure-nya
Contoh Procedure Text
Example 1
Goal/ Aim
How to make Rendang
- 1 kg of beef
- 3 cups of coconut milk
- 3 stalks of lemongrass
- 4 kaffir lime leaves
Curry Paste
- 200 grams of galangal, cut into small pieces
- 4 large cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 100 grams of shallot, finely chopped
- 100 grams of red chilies, finely chopped
- 2 tablespoons of coriander seeds
- ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder
- 2.5 cm piece of fresh ginger
- Two pinches of salt
- 1 tablespoon of coconut sugar
- Two tablespoons of coconut oil
- Prepare all the ingredients. Cut the beef into 4-cm squares that are about ½ cm thick.
- Blend all the curry paste ingredients together until smooth.
- Sauté the curry paste with coconut oil until fragrant and then pour coconut milk into the wok.
- Bash the lemongrass stalks and add to the wok. Stir well and then add the beef.
- Cook over medium heat and bring the coconut milk to a boil before reducing the heat to a simmer.
- Add a little water every once in a while whenever the stew is about to dry. Cook until the meat is tender and the color turns dark brown (estimated time: 3 hours).
- Rendang is ready to be served.
(source: Indonesian dot travel)
Example 2
How to make The Best Meatloaf
- 2 large eggs, lightly beaten
- 1/3 cup milk
- 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
- Kosher salt
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1 large onion, chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, finely grated
- 1 tablespoon thyme leaves, chopped
- Freshly ground pepper
- 1/2 cup ketchup
- 2 pounds 80/20 ground beef chuck
- 1/2 cup panko
- Arrange a rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 450 degrees F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil.
- Whisk the eggs, milk, Worcestershire sauce and 2 teaspoons salt in a large bowl until completely combined. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the onion, garlic, thyme, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon pepper and cook, stirring occasionally, until the onions are tender and lightly golden brown, 8 to 10 minutes.
- Add 3 tablespoons of the ketchup and cook until most of the moisture has evaporated and the mixture is thick and brick red colored, 3 to 4 minutes. Remove the skillet from the heat and let the onions cool slightly. Then add them to the beaten eggs and mix to combine.
- Add the beef to the egg and onion mixture. Break up the meat with a fork or wooden spoon, and then mix to thoroughly combine; you don't want to see any lumps of raw beef. Add the panko and mix to combine. Stir the meat vigorously with a wooden spoon for about 7 seconds; it will become more homogenous and tackier.
- Transfer the meat to the prepared baking sheet and shape into a 9-by-5-inch loaf. Smooth the top and evenly spread the remaining ketchup over top. Bake for 5 minutes, and then reduce the oven temperature to 350 degrees. Continue to bake until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the center of the loaf registers 150 degrees F, 30 to 35 minutes. Allow the meatloaf to rest for 20 minutes before slicing.
Soal Latihan Procedure Text
Read this tutorials for making something here!
- Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir.
- Turn the omelet with a spatula when it is brown.
- First, crack two eggs into a bowl.
- Heat cooking oil in a frying pan and pour the mixture into the frying pan.
- Cook both sides until done and remove it, the omelet is ready.
- Whisk the eggs with a fork until smooth.
Arrange the sentences below to form a sequential order!
a. 3-6-1-4-2-5
b. 3-2-4-1-6-5
c. 3-5-1-2-4-6
d. 3-1-6-4-2-5
e. 3-2-6-1-4-5
How to Make a Flannel Rose Ring
- Red Flannel around 10×10 cm
- Scissors
- Glue
The steps/instructions:
- Cut the flannel about 5×3 cm and make a spiral.
- Glue each side of the spiral flannel.
- Twist it from the center until the end (look like a rose).
- Cut the flannel in a rectangle (the size depends on your finger).
- Put the rose on the rectangle flannel and glue it.
- Flannel rose ring is ready to wear
Choose the best answer based on the text above!
1. Which statement is NOT TRUE about the instruction?
A. We must glue the rose onto the rectangle flannel to get the ring.
B. The bigger the finger means the more flannel needed.
C. All people have the same size of rectangle flannel to make the ring.
D. We make a rectangle shape after we make a rose form.
E. You don’t need to cut the flannel.
2. We need flannel . . . to make two rose rings.
A. Less than 10x10cm
B. Only 10x10cm
C. About 10x10cm
D. More than 10x10cm
E. Around 10x10cm
3. What should we do after we cut the flannel?
A. Glue each side of the flannel
B. Cut it in spiral form
C. Twist from the center until the end
D. Put the rose on the rectangle flannel and glue it
E. Wear it
4. “Twist it from the center until the end.“ The underlined word has a similar meaning with. . .
A. Pull
B. Fling
C. Ream
D. Coil
E. Cut
Nah itulah tadi Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris Lengkap beserta Contoh, Tujuan, dan Generic Structure-nya. Semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih telah mengunjungi